Southern Tier Emergency Medical System
Cooperation among the 93 New York State Certified EMS agencies is essential in providing the Southern Tier with only the highest quality emergency medical services. The Southern Tier Medical System (STEMS) is comprised of EMS agencies who work together to bring EMS education to Cattaraugus, Chautauqua and Allegany Counties. It is essential that EMS providers, hospitals, medical directors and other facilities network to bring awareness to patient care standards and any issues that may arise in the field. Through open communication and training among EMS providers and agencies, the Southern Tier is able to provide excellence in pre-hospital care.
Each year EMS providers of the Southern Tier look forward to attending the STEMS Conference usually held in March. These providers and agencies get together to network and educate each other on new issues that arise in the Emergency Medical field. ALSTAR EMS, among the 200 other attendees, is proud to have a yearly presence at the conference.